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Modular devices series 6000-MCB

Clem > Modular devices series 6000 > Modular devices series 6000-MCB

MCBs - Miniature Circuit Breakers

Miniature Circuit Breakers range 6000 have more compact dimensions than the same types of devices usually available in the market: the depth of the products is 54mm instead of the more common 68mm, thus making the devices suitable for the installation in any panels.
Additionally, the lever is built in the products’ plastic body, making the MCBs even more compact.
These features suggest the usage of Miniature Circuit Breakers range 6000 in several cases of retrofit, when dimensions are rigidly imposed, or in all those applications where compactness is a must, such as in house appliances.
MCBs’ functioning is independent from line voltage and its mechanism is trip-free, that is the RCCBs can also trip when the lever is held in ON position.
Range 6000 includes MCBs in B, C and D curves.
Technical information